Paul Howey - Artist

Wildlife & Landscape

I have been observing otters in my neighbourhood for a few years now and have collected some interesting recordings of them doing ottery things. I have selected a couple of these to put on this website, they can be found on the otter watching link at the end of the menu bar. I plan to add more as I sort through the collection and hope to record new encounters.

Puffin and sparkling sea.

A close encounter with my local dog otter, I'm not sure who was more suprised.

Long tailed tits.

I didn't realise I had painted them in a spiral until they were hanging on the gallery wall.

And another time he hadn't noticed me watching him strolling down to the water after stuffing himself with crab.

Gliding by.

Coal tits.

I am inspired to paint by the wildlife and landscape of Scotland.
My subjects vary from the wilds of the Hebrides

To quiet corners of the garden, I hope my work captures the essence of the natural world.

In the field I paint colour studies, take photographs and just quietly observe. I then take time to think about how a composition can be developed that reflects what I have seen, generally this is a slow evolution, although sometimes the whole picture comes in a moment.

Having carefully planned my approach to a new work, I often find that once I have started, the painting will lead me in unexpected directions. I paint with commonly used materials and a traditional palette of oil colours. My work is representational but I'm not trying for photographic detail, I try to evoke the feeling of the moment either seen or imagined. It's all about light transmitted and reflected and never more so than when painting water, a subject I come back to time and time again, as I have always had connections with the sea.I live in the west highland town of Kyle of Lochalsh with wonderful scenery and wildlife awaiting in whichever direction I set off.